Estimating feature work as a web developer

Estimating project timelines in software is an interesting topic to me. As programmers we are used to thinking in concrete, logical terms, yet this can go out the window as soon as we are asked for an innocent time estimate. We are now entering into an ambiguous and uncertain world that nobody prepared us for. It's overwhelming, and it can actually get worse over the years instead of better.

"Hey Will how long would it take to add feature X?"

We are bound at some point to experience the trauma of massively underestimating a large project. When it goes wrong we likely are going to lose some sanity. Maybe our own time an money. Maybe our credibility. We can even start to question if we are cut out for this work after all.

Rather than trying to reinvent the estimate or avoid doing them altogether (though nice ideas) I want to share some practical tips on making more accurate estimates for feature work in a web development context.

First I'll share some ideas about breaking features down into tasks, and second a list of some common estimation gotchas I have run into working as a web developer.

1: Estimating small chunks of work

There are quite a few benefits of breaking down estimates into smaller parts.

Firstly, writing down our thoughts helps us to spot the things that we missed. For our estimates this can mean quickly spotting literal days worth of extra work. It is far too easy to blurt out "Feature X will be about a two days worth of effort" before realising you failed to consider all its tricky edge cases.

Second, it enables us to put a lower bound on the amount of work we are estimating. Suppose I can enumerate N subtasks for the feature I'm estimating. Right away I'll have a quick sanity check that this is least N hours of work. Personally I keep subtasks of 2-6 hours each. I believe the exact range here is something personal and only really comes with experience. If they are much larger than 6 hours I can probably be break them down even more, getting a bettern estimate.

Thirdly, presenting this breakdown to the person who asked for the estimate can be beneficial for the both of you. They might now decide that the scope of the feature should be reduced, or budget from elsewhere should be allocated to support it. Either way, you are now in a better position to ask for more time or money, and they are in a position to be happy about recieving your work.

I like to group tasks under headings like "Frontend", "Backend", "Database" to again guard against forgetting anything. Occaisonally there will be a "Configuration" heading to account for updating any external systems like a CMS, analytics dashboard, or the like.

Example breakdown

Suppose the client wants to add a new feature to delete bingbongs from the bingbong detail modal. Here is what I might write out:

    Feature: Deleting Bingbongs

        * Add migration for Bingbong table with "deleted" and "deleted_at" columns

    * Add DELETE /bingbong/:id route

    * Add trash icon button to modal
    * Connect button with new backend route
    * Show loading spinner when delete is pending
    * Automatically close bingbong modal on successful delete
    * Automatically update bingbong list view to remove deleted bingbong when it is deleted

    Backend - 3 hours
    Frontend - 4 hours
        = 7 hours

2: Common gotchas in feature work

Below are some tasks that I find are commonly hidden in simple feature requests. Being able to spot these early will help you to make your estimates more accurate and minimize surprises when the work is delivered.

Loading states

Is any extra effort going to need to be dedicated to showing loading states in the application? This may include things like:

Error states

Is any extra effort needed to validate, display, and test errors in the application? Here are just a few considerations:

Scalability (even a tiny bit)

Luckily most of us don't have to worry about scaling our service to handle millions of concurrent users (if we did we would be lucky for another reason!). However there is a class of scaling problems that we can run into with even a few dozen users:

Thinking forward in time

Some features get more complicated when we look forward in time:

Addressing bad actors on our platform

If our website allows users to upload text or media and share it with other users we need to account for:


In the spirit of keeping this article concise and digestable I'm going to cut myself off here. Though, there is a lot more I want to write about estimates so there is a followup warranted. Hopefully this article gives some food for thought on approaching your own estimates. I encourage everyone to think, and perhaps way more importantly, write, about how you have estimated in the past and what you can do to estimate even better next time.